Getting the kids ready to go back to school is always a challenge. All those things they brought home from school at the end of the last school year that you were going to go through during the summer still remain where they were left. You can’t put off the task any longer. The notebooks, lunch boxes, backpacks, books and other items that can be reused by the same child, handed down to a younger one, or donated need to be cleaned up. Many of this items might have stickers on them that are always difficult to remove.lunch box with stickers

Try using a Scrigit Scraper cleaning tool to lift off the stickers without scratching the surface where they are attached. The rounded tip shaped like a fingernail is usually best for starting the removal process. Slide the rounded tip back and forth along one edge of the sticker so a small band lifts at a time. Then the flat edge could be used to remove the rest if you can’t just grab on to the lifted part with your fingers and pull it off. Warming the sticker with a hand-held hair dryer before scraping usually helps to soften the sticker and facilitate its removal.

If you are taking your older students to a dorm or apartment for the school year, take one or more Scrigit Scrapers with you to help clean up the place as you move in their belongings. Keep in mind that this might be the last time the place gets cleaned until you visit again or the school year ends.

There are so many uses for Scrigit Scrapers when kids are heading back to school, whether removing stickers from lunch boxes or cleaning student housing, that it is always a good idea to keep them handy. Buy a package today!